Ten seminars for the upcoming Boutique Design New York (BDNY) have been certified as eligible for CEU credits from the Interior Design Continuing Education Council Inc. (IDCEC). These same sessions are also seeking CEU accreditation from the American Institute of Architects (AIA).
Photo above: The CEU-accredited “Up-and-Coming Hoteliers” session at BDNY 2016. That panel was moderated by Boutique Design’s Mary Scoviak and included speakers Mark Keiser of Baccarat Hotels and 1 Hotels; Jay Stein of Dream Hotel Group; and Jason Pomeranc (not shown) of SIXTY Hotels. Photo; Richard Cadan
The IDCEC-approved CEU sessions at this year’s hospitality/leisure design trade fair and conference, to be held Nov. 12-13 at the Jacob K. Javits Center, are:
Hotel Renovations: Bridging the Gap Between the Designer’s Vision and Asset Manager’s Expectations
Mastering Spec Writing
Marijuana: Its Effect on the Hotel Industry
New Markets and New Niches in Upscale and Luxury Hospitality
Making Waves: Takeaways from Cruise Ship Design Trends
Secret Sauces: Recipes for Star-Turn Restaurants
How to Build a New Hotel: Putting Together a Team
Keep it Real: Design and Copyright Challenges
What Your Clients are not Telling You (But Really Want You to Know)
Stunning Second Acts: Adaptive Reuse