Vendor Bootcamp
Boutique and Hospitality Design are excited to introduce our valuable partnership with Vendor Bootcamp. This collaboration aims to enhance your trade fair experience by offering tailored strategies and insights for the hospitality industry.
30+ high-level decision makers in Design, Purchasing, Brand, and Ownership review your marketing materials and provide hyper-specific feedback on your company and category. Their comments are given anonymously, so it’s significantly more honest than anything you’ve experienced.
Gain Industry knowledge, Brand strategy, and Sales insights with an educational program designed to help your company maximize the ROI of every sales and marketing effort (for every type of customer). Strategize during one-on-one consulting sessions on how to best implement the lessons learned from the feedback and from the event.
45-day and 4-month post-event strategy sessions to help guide short and long-term plans of action.
Category Leader
- As a category leader, you knowthat incremental changes can have an exponential impact on your company’s bottom line.
- Better understand the true perception (or misperceptions) about your company, category, and competitors.
- Use thec ontent from the event tot rain new Sales or Marketing Executives or to better align internally.
Relatively Unknown
- 30+ of your company’s most important targets will hear about your company, see your products, and review your marketing materials.
- You will learn what the best customers in your category think your company should do in order to be successful in the Hospitality industry.
- This feedback, combined with the one-on-one consulting and Sales, Brand, and Industry education will provide a foundation for growth that is nearly impossible to reach on your own.
Stagnating in the Middle
- Every category is changing, some more rapidly than others. Find out what is now expected and what your customers now want to understand about you.
- The anonymity of the Advisory Board will allow for honest reasons about why your company isn’t growing (while most of Hospitality is)…is it your products? Your people? Your marketing materials? Your approach? This is anonymized feedback that they would simply not say to you in-person.
- Use the event and one-on-one strategic sessions to figure out how to get the most out of each buyer interaction and networking event.
Successful in other Sectors, Looking to Grow in Hospitality
- Gain understanding about why and how this sector is so unique compared to Retail, Multifamily, Commercial and all of the other “similar” industries. Know the mindset of your Hospitality customers and their expectations.
- Understand where your strengths are as a “non-Hospitality” company, learn how to best focus on those and how to best mitigate your company’s perceived weaknesses.
- Help your company’s non-Hospitality team gain a better understanding of what your customers are really saying and what they are really wanting.
Not Succeeding in Hospitality, Considering Abandoning the Sector
- Hospitality can be an incredibly attractive and lucrative market to sell within; understand why your company hasn’t been successful before giving it up entirely.
- Some fixes are easier than others. Some paths allow you to stay within the industry while simultaneously decreasing your financial and time commitments. Understand all of your options, be strategic.
- Does your company offer multiple product categories or have custom capabilities? The Advisory Board can tell you if you’re focusing on the wrong market segment or why your current story isn’t resonating.
Looking to Level Up the Chain
- Trying to change the types of projects that you’re going after? Maybe you want them to be larger, higher-end, or more design forward? The Advisory Board can tell you how you’re truly perceived in the marketplace and who your competitors are in their minds.
- Learn the micro-details that need to change in your internal processes and product presentation to elevate your company from 3-star to 4-star to 5-star. Hear it directly from the people working on those types of projects.
- Understand what your marketing efforts should focus on to help create the perception shift in your customers’ minds.
About to Undergo a Huge Marketing Overhaul
- Before you commit to a new approach, understand what your customers actually want. What would make your website or presentation materials better? What imagery do they want to see and how do they want to see it? What content are you sharing with them and why? Let them tell you the best way to show them your product.
- Not only will this feedback greatly increase the impact of this new marketing effort, it will help shorten the cycle time to bring it to market.
- Buyers are often incredibly specific about what they’re looking for in a company’s marketing materials. If your materials miss the mark then buyers are quick to move on.
Recently Underwent a Huge Marketing Overhaul
- Get eyeballs on this new marketing effort! Not only will the Advisory Board have a chance to see the “new” you, they’ll provide specific insights about tweaks that would make it even more impactful.
- No matter how many internal meetings you had or which outside consulting firm you hired, no one will give you better feedback than 30+ of the best buyers in the industry (all speaking “off the record”).
- Learn the best way to get these materials into the hands of the best buyers. Which industry events, sales efforts, and marketing campaigns will provide the best ROI to capitalize on your new look.
Lots of Internal Changes
- Help everyone get on the same page, quickly! The Sales/Brand/Industry sessions are a 5- to 10-year head start on understanding the best approach to the Hospitality market.
- Ensure that the newer members of the team are aware of the current perceptions of the company. The Advisory Board feedback will provide an honest look at your company’s reputation. Is it something to lean into or pivot from?
- The one-on-one sessions will help identify how to best approach the various sales and marketing options that are now in front of you. Given the changes, what makes the most sense right now and why?
"We like to think we know everything...but..."
- “We just hired a new Director of Hospitality Sales/Marketing and are hoping to get them up and running quickly.”
- “We want feedback related to a specific marketing effort or product that we’ve launched or are thinking about launching.”
- “The market knows us for our [widgets] but we also have the capability to make [gizmos]. Should we focus on them? If so, to whom and how?”
- “If we only learn 5 new things, one of them still has the potential to completely transform our company.”
- “Are our ads actually effective? Or what could we be talking about instead?”
- “We’re not sure if we’re getting a good enough return on the shows and events we’re doing. We’re considering changing it up.”
- “Every previous attending company has raved about the experience.”
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